A cat begging for help
Animal Rescue/Pixabay

We possibly don’t have to tell you that our cat friends are, well, a bit quirky. Cats play by their own rules and certainly make us smiling with their sweet habits and silly behavior.

While most of Fluffy’s special characteristics are quite lovely, one that is more serious is the fact that cats often hide signs of disease. You may not even observe your cute kitty isn’t feeling good until she’s seriously sick. Therefore, it’s very crucial for cat parents to know how to notice any change in their cats that may prove their illness.

In this article, we’ll talk about 19 signs that your cat is crying out for help

1.Increased Hiding

Cats love to hide, but if your cat hides more than he used to do previously, it could mean that they suffer from a disease. Felines who suddenly start to hide may be stressed out or feel a hidden pain wreaking chaos in their body.

2.Not Using Their Litter Box

If your cat is accustomed to using his litter box, and then unexpectedly starts doing his business in random places of the house, they may be trying to tell you they don’t feel good. Health problems that can cause litter box issues include kidney disease, urinary tract infection, and bladder stones.

3.Changes in Maintenance Habits

Cats are perfect at maintaining their physical appearance.
When a cat starts to ignore his daily grooming routine, then, it may be the right time for a checkup. Your kitty could be suffering from various ailments that cause fatigue, which would explain their disheveled body or the lack of grooming habits.
A “disheveled” cat might be missing patches of fur, have dirty ears, have feces stuck to their rear end, or have debris stuck in their fur.

4.Discolored Gums

A normal cat’s gums should have a deep pink color, and if you press them with your finger, they should return to pink color in a few seconds after moving your finger.

Pale gums that have no color are usually a sign of poor circulation or blood loss. This is true because cats’ gums gain their bubble-gum pink color from the flow of the blood beneath the surface.

Bluish gums can be a sign of a life-threatening lack of oxygen.
Bright red gums could indicate toxicity or overheat, but it can also be a sign of a dental issue if the redness is right above the teeth.

5.Stinky Breath

Weird stinky breath in your kitty may signifies tooth decay or gum disease.

6.Drinking Excessive Amounts of Water

If you observe that your cat seems to be drinking more water than normal, it may indicate that something is wrong.
Any cat who drinks a huge amount of water may be suffering from endocrine issues like diabetes or hyperthyroid disease.

7.A Sudden Increase in Appetite

An increase in appetite can be a sign that your cat has underlying health problems and requires to be examined immediately by a vet. Increased appetite can be due to many reasons such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes, or nutrient malabsorption issues like inflammatory bowel disease or intestinal cancer.

8.Crying or Yowling

Crying or Yowling can be a sign that your cat is suffering some kind of pain. If you tried to pet your cat and they feel uncomfortable or stay far from you, then you should realize that there is something unusual happening.


Many people falsely believe it’s normal for a cat to vomit once per week, but they are wrong. When your cat vomits a few times a year or on occasional hairballs, it is normal. However, anything apart from this will signifies your kitty could be suffering from some kind of disease.

10.Increased Aggression

When the cat changes his behavior suddenly, It is a sign of sickness. A cat who is feeling pain may become unexpectedly aggressive, especially if you unwittingly touch the place that mostly hurt.

11.Losing Hair and Crusty Skin

When you observe an excessive loss of hair in addition to crusty patches on the cat’s skin that can seem red, a visit to the vet is so urgent.

12.Unexpected Weight Gain or Weight Loss

If your cat is suddenly starting to lose or gain weight for no obvious reason, it means that something went wrong with his health.

13.Lack of Appetite

When your cat has abruptly stopped showing interest in his favorite food, then you should pay attention. A loss of appetite could mean a severe underlying infection, fever, kidney failure, or even cancer.

14.Mobility Problems

Lack of movement or limping may indicate that something is wrong, particularly in a very young kitty. In older cats, it could be a sign of arthritis.

15.Change in Sleeping Patterns

When a cat suddenly starts to sleep during times when he used to be involved in activities, he may be conveying a message that he doen’t feel good. However, the same applies to The unusual increase in activity. If your feline starts suddenly to make noise all night, vocalizing, or is overactive than he used to be during the day, it is a possible sign of a hidden issue.


Coughing happens because of allergies, hairballs, and asthma, and other minor infections. It can, however, also be the cause of some serious conditions like lung disease, heart disease, and other contagious diseases.

17.Runny Eyes and Nose

When your cat sneezes, discharges from the eyes or nose, fever, coughing and, sniffles are all indications that the kitty is affected by upper respiratory tract disease. This is, basically, similar to the most common human cold.

18.Bloody Urine, Stool, or Vomit

Wherever you notice the blood, it means that there is something wrong. If you observe it in your cat’s urine, it is a sign of a urinary tract disorder. If you find blood in your cat’s stool, it means the cat is suffering from an illness.

19.Litter Box Problem

If you notice that your cat trying to go potty but isn’t able to produce anything, then, make sure he may have a blockage somewhere, which could be very dangerous if it’s not treated at the right time.

Categories: Cats Info