Although they don’t seek out Easter eggs and eat them all as dogs do, Persian cats can become fond of chocolate. Most dog’s parents know that chocolate is not good for dogs. but are you sure if Persian cats can eat chocolate?

Can Persian cats eat chocolate?

No, Persian cats are not allowed to eat chocolate. Even though they are less likely to try to take it from under your nose, chocolate is not good for Persian cats as well as dogs. While they may not like a chocolate bar, any kind of milk-based chocolate drink is dangerous for your Persian cat.

Why is chocolate bad for Persian cats?

The reason why chocolate is bad for Persian cats is that chocolate and cocoa contain theobromine. It is an ingredient that is naturally metabolized in the human body, but not in Persian cats.

This can lead to the accumulation of toxic substances that may cause serious diseases such as liver failure.

Persian cats do not need to eat large amounts of chocolate to avoid problems, but it should be kept out of their reach if possible.

Since each animal’s metabolism is different, it is impossible to calculate exactly how much chocolate your Persian feline needs to eat to get sick, but several factors can be taken into account.

For example, the size and weight of the cat and the type of chocolate eaten. Dark or bitter chocolate contains much more theobromine than milk or white chocolate.

Symptoms of chocolate poisoning in Persian cats

Whenever you realize that your Persian cat has eaten chocolate, be careful about any of the following symptoms :

  • Increased rate of breathing
  • Increased heart rate
  • Heightened temperature
  • Seizures
  • Muscle rigidity
  • Restlessness
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

If one of these symptoms appears in your Persian feline, It’s necessary to contact your vet immediately.

What to do if your Persian cat ate chocolate

Keep an eye on your kitty

If you notice that your Persian cat has eaten chocolate, it’s best to keep an eye on her.

If your Persian cat usually walks outside, keep her inside for at least 24 hours to make sure she does not get any symptoms of the disease.

Always keep doors and windows closed and watch the cat when going in and out of the house.

Get Veterinary Help

If you find your Persian cat eating chocolate, take him or her to the vet immediately.

If diagnosed early, the vet can induce vomiting and flush the toxic ingredients out of your Persian cat’s system before they can build up.

Your Persian cat may be spontaneously vomiting after eating chocolate, but do not attempt to induce vomiting yourself at home without consulting a qualified veterinarian.

A visit to the vet will probably include a physical examination, urinalysis, and many other tests.

An electrocardiogram (heart test) may also be performed to check for abnormalities in your cat’s heart rhythm.

If symptoms occur, there is no “treatment” other than treating the symptoms. Intravenous injections are most often given, and if the liver is affected, treatment for feline liver disease is given.

Determine the amount and type of chocolate your Persian cat ate

To determine the exact amount and type of chocolate your Persian cat has eaten, it is helpful to save the wrappers or packages.

Bring the wrappers with you when you go to your veterinarian’s office to determine your cat’s risk exposure.

Knowing your Persian cat’s size and weight will also help you when on the phone with your veterinarian. This is another useful way to assess your cat’s risk.

Alternatives to chocolate for Persian cats

The answer to the question, “Do Persian cats eat chocolate?” is “no”. Even in the unlikely event that your Persian cat wants to eat chocolate, don’t resist the urge to give her this human food.

Instead, find safe treats that are specifically designed for Persian cats.

There are many Persian cat treats that satisfy your pet’s sense of taste and smell and offer a variety of health benefits.

And don’t forget, treats are not just about food. Give your furry friend time, attention, and love, and you’ll be just as good as a chocolate treat in her eyes.

Categories: Nutrition