It is taken for granted that cats love to sleep. However, there are actually some interesting facts when it comes to the sleeping habits of cats.

You may be thinking to yourself, “Cats sleep day and night, so what?”.

But actually, there are some amazing things about cat sleeping habits that are quite special to the feline species.

Here are some fun and interesting facts about cat sleeping routines that will help you better understand your feline companions. Have a good time discovering them!!!

Wow, cats sleep a lot!

In general, your cat sleeps up to 16 hours every day. A more active cat might sleep closer to 10 hours, but it’s very rare for a cat to sleep less than 10 hours in a 24-hour period.

However, while we have been conditioned to think that cats nap all day simply because they are lazy. That is actually not the case.

cat sleeping habits

We know that cats are obligate carnivores. And because of this high-protein diet, they need sleep to aid in their digestive process.

Basically, your cat needs to sleep as much as he does to keep all the bells and whistles working properly.

Therefore, the next time you see your cat snoozing in the middle of the day, remember that he needs it to keep everything going on smoothly. (If only it were the same for us humans)!

Purranormal Activity

We’ve all been there: we try to rest, but our cats are awake by 4 am. Cats are naturally nocturnal. Though they are far from being in the wild now that they live comfortably in your home.

But for cats, nighttime is when they “hunt” because it’s hardwired into their DNA to do so.

So if you happen to be at work all day, sometimes your cat is especially active at night because they’ve been prowling around in your absence.

What’s even more interesting about your cat’s strange nocturnal wakefulness patterns is that the periods of time your cat spends awake at night may mirror your own restlessness patterns.

cat sleeping habits

According to, researchers have found that those crazy hours of the night your cat spends awake may mirror our sleep patterns of the times we are awake or restless while trying to sleep.

Don’t forget that cats are crepuscular creatures. Which means they are genetically predisposed to be more active at dawn and dusk.

So, if it seems like your cat is patrolling at dawn when it comes to early morning feeding, it’s probably because this is when your cat would likely be looking for his breakfast in the wild.

Catnaps: do they really sleep?

Cats are able to fall asleep quite easily. If your cat is resting with his eyes closed and it looks like he’s sleeping, it’s more of a rest period than a real sleep.

Your feline is predatory by nature. He must have the ability to wake up in a flash when something startles him, so he is often dozing rather than fully asleep.

cat sleeping habits

When cats are in deep sleep, they are dreaming, which you’ve probably noticed from all the tics and little noises they produce.

Deep sleep is essential for their bodies to regenerate and stay healthy. Even though they don’t sleep as deeply as we humans do, it is important for their well-being.

Cats over the age of eight sleep more, and these mature cats need more deep sleep to keep strong and healthy bodies.

Facts about the cats sleep cycle:

Cats transition from slow-wave sleep to REM sleep, just like other mammals and humans.

But the time they spend in each stage is much shorter. A cat spends about 6 minutes in one REM cycle, unlike a human who spends 90-120 minutes per night in REM sleep.

Why cats sleep on you, chiefly on your head.

Sure, I should admit, not all cats do that. But a lot of them do. And when they sleep on your head, they REALLY enjoy that nap.

Oddly enough, my Persian cat, Recko, does this, and with all his hair, it makes breathing a little difficult, let alone sleeping.

But just like most cat parents do, I let him do it because I love him and it makes him relaxed and happy.

However, do you know why cats sleep on your head? Well, actually there are two main reasons:

The first reason is that this is the hottest part of your body from which heat escapes. And as everyone knows well, cats just love to stay warm.

The second reason? Because cats don’t like to be disturbed while sleeping, and your head will move much less often than your arms and legs.

Some people also speculate that your cat likes the smell of your shampoo, but there is no clear evidence about that.

Why do cats enjoy sleeping in boxes?

cat sleeping in a  box

It’s simple: your cat loves the security a box provides. Whether it’s a small kitten in a big box or a big squished kitten in a small box, that box provides her with a comfortable space where she feels safe and secure.

Stephen Zawistowski, scientific advisor to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, said:

“Cats like boxes because they are cryptic animals; they like to hide…And a box gives them a place of safety and security.”

And for your kitty friend who likes to sleep up to 16 hours a day, a box is the perfect place for a long cat nap since the walls give them a nice place to hide. Because, as we know, cats don’t like to be disturbed while they are sleeping!

Why does my cat snore when she sleeps?

a cat snoring while sleeping

Similar to humans or dogs, cats may snore when they sleep. This cat sleeping habit is something that often makes cat owners wonder if something is “wrong” with their felines.

Cats snore because their airways are partially blocked. In brute cat breeds, such as the Persian cat, snoring is much more common due to the short, narrow passages that lead in and out of their nose and throat.

For overweight or obese cats, snoring is more common due to the stress on the body from the extra weight.

How to get some sleep when cats are active at night

If your cat’s nighttime activities are keeping you from getting a good night’s rest, there are many ways to solve the problem.

Be proactive and mentally stimulate your cat during the day. Exercise, both physical and mental, is the best way to tire your cat out during the day so that you can get a good night’s sleep at bedtime.

For cats that only live in the house, provide your cat with a nice perch that is just hers so she can watch some “cat TV” during the day of the interesting things that pass through her house, such as people, animals, etc.

This is much more interesting to your cat’s mind than staring at the wall all day.

Also, limit distractions that might be tempting to your cat in the evening hours, such as putting out toys he wants to jump on. Above all, don’t give in to your cat or play with him when he tries to wake you up at night with his crazy cat antics.

Cats are opportunistic by nature. If you give in to them, they will catch on and nighttime interruptions will quickly become routine.

Have you learned anything new about the feline species? Feel free to share this article with someone you know who likes to learn fun facts about cats.

Categories: Cats Info