Persian cats are the sweetest, most affectionate cats you’ll ever meet, but they may have some behavior problems.

They’re also incredibly mellow and gentle, so they make great pets for families with children, senior citizens, and anyone who wants to take advantage of their friendly nature.

However, this comes at a price — Persian cats can also be very stubborn and independent, and if you don’t know how to handle them properly, you may find yourself with an uncontrollable kitty on your hands!

So read on to learn how to solve behavior problems in your Persian cats.

Introducing Your New Persian Cat

If you have just brought home a new Persian, you may have noticed that your cat is continually scratching and biting herself.

Don’t worry; it isn’t contagious. In fact, what is happening is perfectly normal behavior.

A kitten or cat who has been cooped up inside too long and was not properly introduced to the new environment before being allowed outside into your house may show some behavior problems.

So you should learn how to handle these little quirks.

Crate Training

If you have an unwanted behavior that occurs when your cat is alone, such as scratching furniture or spraying, then you might want to consider crating him.

Crating isn’t appropriate for every situation, but if it works for your lifestyle and budget, then by all means use it.

The most important thing is to stick with a routine of crate training; don’t give up after a few days.

Persians are generally easygoing cats, so crate training should be relatively painless. It’s a good way to deal with behavior problems in Persian cats.

Teach Your Persian Cat No and Wait Commands

One of the first things you should teach your cat is that she can’t just go wherever she wants or do whatever she wants whenever she wants.

If you don’t have time for training, then at least try placing a scratching post or cat tower in an area where your Persian isn’t allowed so they are constantly reminded of boundaries.

When you see them getting close to forbidden areas, say no and redirect them with treats and praise.

Persians are very intelligent and will catch on quickly if they know there’s something better waiting for them elsewhere.

Stop Your Persian Cat from Scratching Furniture

How to stop your Persian cat from scratching furniture is quite simple.

You can use nail caps for cats. These caps will cover your cat’s claws, making it impossible for them to scratch your furniture or other things.

In addition, you can purchase a spray that will deter them from doing so.

You might also consider giving a scratching post or some other device that they would prefer over your furniture and carpeting. Thus, you will handle many behavior problems in your Persian cats.

Dealing with Aggressive Behavior in Persian Cats

There are a number of different behaviors that cats will display when they are feeling aggressive.

These can be incredibly difficult to read, particularly if you have never owned an aggressive cat before.

Understanding what these behaviors mean is essential if you want to get your cat’s aggression under control quickly and effectively.

Here are some of the most common signs that your Persian cat may be feeling aggressive :

  • Growling or hissing
  • Pinning their ears back
  • Baring their teeth
  • Hiding away from people or other animals
  • Not using the litter box properly
  • Urinating outside of the litter box because they don’t like being there

While all of these behaviors could point to many different problems, one thing remains true: if your Persian cat is displaying any one of them on a regular basis, it could be a sign that something is wrong.

If your Persian cat suddenly starts hissing at you when he’s never done so before, he could be frightened by new family members or changes in his environment.

He may even feel threatened if you try to pick him up from an area he doesn’t like being handled from—like his back—or if someone else tries to touch him.

During playtime, aggression could stem from the fear that his playmate will hurt him if he gets too rough.

Finding the Right Vet for Your Persian Cat

Persian cats are beautiful and docile cats. They are a popular choice among cat owners because of their loving nature and lively appearance.

However, owning a Persian cat does require some extra effort.

It’s not enough to just go out, buy one from a pet store or breeder, and call it a day.

The first thing you should do after bringing your new cat home is find yourself a good vet for your feline friend that will take care of him.

Should you Declaw your Persian Cat?

There are a lot of myths about declawing cats floating around out there, which can be confusing for anyone who wants to know whether it’s a good idea or not.

Declawing involves amputating all or part of your cat’s toes, and causes more pain than you might not expect.

Instead of declawing, put your kitty on her paws with a scratching post! Some cats need training to use these posts.

but even if yours doesn’t at first, most will pick up on it quickly once they realize how much fun it is.

Bonding with your Persian Cat

One of the best ways to solve behavior problems is by ensuring your Persian cat receives plenty of love and attention.

By choosing a cat that you can see spending a lot of time with, you may also be choosing a cat that is more social and easier to take care of.

Spend at least 5-10 minutes per day just petting your cat and talking to her in soothing tones.

If you have any other pets in your home, try to spend some extra time playing with them as well; if not, consider getting another one.

Your Persian cat will enjoy having someone else around who shares his interests and is willing to play with.


Behaviors are not really problems when they are typical of a cat’s species. Of course, human issues can result from these behaviors, but ultimately cats will be cats.

For example, if you have a cat that doesn’t like being picked up or carried, it’s not likely something you should worry about.

Persians are a beautiful breed of cat, but they do have their share of problems. They are wonderful companions if you are ready for some extra attention and grooming.

just be aware that there is a lot of upkeep. If you’re thinking about getting one, consider having a chat with your vet first to see if it’s right for you and your family.

Categories: Behavior