Persian cats are one of the oldest and most famous breeds in the world, as they suffer from some diseases due to their body characteristics.

But this does not mean that Persian cats are necessarily unhealthy, you must know the risks they face as well as their needs, in order to prevent diseases and notice them beforehand.

In this article, we will explore the most common Persian cat diseases so you can learn how to prevent them.

Then take caution and don’t forget to visit the vet frequently to ensure your cat’s health.

Hairballs and Trichobezoars

Persian cats are famous for their thick and long coats, so they are more likely to suffer from trichobezoars than other cats with short hair.For Trichobezoars are hairballs that develop in a cat’s stomach and digestive tract.

cats can regurgitate hairballs, but they sometimes stay in the stomach.

Cats suffer a lot when this happens and they can have many dangerous health problems. It is necessary that the veterinarian intervene urgently to solve the problem.

In order to prevent trichobezoars and hairballs, try to comb your Persian cat daily and make sure that all dead hair is removed. In the case that you suspect your cat has hairballs, give her some pharmaceutical paraffin oil or malt.

Common Diseases of Persian Cats

Polycystic Kidney Disease

Persian cats are very susceptible to get polycystic kidney disease. Cysts develop in the kidney which will grow and multiply if left untreated. 38% of Persian cats suffer from this genetic disease.

This high possibility indicates that an annual ultrasound examination should be performed for Persian cats after they reach one year of age.

Often Persian cats that are unmonitored suddenly collapse And die from kidney problems at the age of 7 to 8 years.

So if you realize that your Persian cat has cysts, resort to the veterinarian to apply the appropriate treatment to cure your cat’s condition.

Respiratory Problems

The respiratory problems of Persian cats are due to their flat face and big eyes. Unfortunately, these features make this breed prone to develop many health problems.

Having a tiny nose causes the nasal passage to be very short and more sensitive to moisture, heat, cold, or a dry environment.

This surely affects the cat’s breathing efficiency, which is the main reason behind Persian cats being lazier than other breeds.

The respiratory system of Persian cats is not very efficient, and this is what makes the oxygenation of their blood so difficult.

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Heart Issues

The problems of the heart are due to the lack of proper breathing as it is very likely that your Persian cat will develop a heart problem. This situation is still more possible if the cat is obese.

Less than 12% of Persian cats suffer from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This cardiac condition means that the left chamber of the heart muscle is more developed, which could cause a cat’s sudden death.

This disease affects mostly male cats, whereas female Persian cats are much less affected.

Eye Problems

The shape of a Persian cat’s eyes can also be the cause of several problems. The Eye diseases that are most common for Persian cats include the following:

Congenital ankyloblepharon is an inherited condition that occurs mostly in Persian cats with blue eyes. It is composed of the union through a membrane between the lower and upper eyelids.

Congenital epiphora consists of exaggerated wet of the tear duct, which leads to oxidation of the hair around the eyes and infection with bacteria or fungi in the affected area. There are specific medications to alleviate this condition.

Entropion is when the eyelashes are rubbed and the cat’s cornea is irritated as a result of turning the edge of the eyelid. It leads to excessive tearing, as the cat has narrowed eyes corneal vascularisation which generates ulcerations. This condition requires surgical treatment.

Primary glaucoma is Extreme blood pressure in the eye that causes opacity and loss of sight. It must be treated with surgery.

Less Common Diseases for Persian Cats

These rare diseases and conditions are not among the common ones we described above, but your Persian cat is still at risk of suffering from them.

Oculocutaneous albinism: is a recessive trait that causes a mild physical type of albinism affecting a cat’s coat, which makes it lighter than usual. The effects of this anomaly are most apparent when a cat suffers from photophobia and is most sensitive to infections. So the vet must treat the symptoms.

Skinfold dermatitis: refers to irritation of the wrinkles of the Persian cat’s face as a result of excessive tears.

Seborrhea: Symptoms include scaly and/or oily skin. seborrhea must be cured by a veterinarian.

Hip dysplasia: occurs when the joint between the top of the thigh bone and the socket fails. It causes lameness and pain when moving.

Kidney stones: must be removed through surgery. 80% of obese Persian cats suffer from this disease.

This article is purely informational. My Persian cat has no authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or make a diagnosis. Then we invite you to take your pet to the vet if he is experiencing any condition or pain.