Persian cat

Although Persian cats do not move a lot and prefer calm and laziness,they need healthy food that is rich in vitamins and proteins.

Persians and Hunting

Unlike other cats that have the instinct of hunting and chasing other animals, Persians are inactive and careless in terms of hunting. They favour staying still than attacking other animals.

They are even not excited about anything that requires much activity and physical effort.

However, it’s worth mentioning that the Persians are less likely to rely on themselves for nourishment; unless they may come across a small bird falling from a nest or a little mouse that hasn’t developed enough skills to flee from dangerous animals.

We are talking in general about this breed of cats but we may find some exceptions that prove what we say is wrong.

Nonetheless, the absence of desire to hunt in Persians may have positive effects on the cat’s health since many hunted animals like mice can contaminate the cats through transmitting some parasites that can have serious issues on the cat’s health.


Like meat, fish is an excellent food for Persians. It contains vitamins A and D in addition to iodine which is an essential nutrient element in a balanced diet.

Fish also can provide cats with a good amount of protein that is beneficial for their bodies. It has amino acids that are necessary for the cat’s body’s chemical reactions.

But, some types of fish may devastate some vitamins. Then, providing fish to cats is tricky. Therefore, contacting your veterinarian is important to achieve the perfect nutritional balance for your feline.

However, if you feed your Persian, raw fish then the bones will not cause any problems; whereas some bones of cooked fish can cause real danger for your pet like the injury of the esophagus. As a result, it is advisable to remove the bones of cooked fish before serving them.

The bones can also restrict or damage the gastrointestinal tract and the throat.
While you serve fish that is small in size, the bones then will be tiny and will not cause any serious issues.
Salmon, tuna, and sardines are good for a Persian cat but do not exaggerate the quantity provided.


Cats are carnivores, they require food with a high-quality source of protein to survive.

Chicken is a low-calorie and lean meat that is rich in proteins.
The meat of chicken that is easy to digest can provide your Persian cat with bursts of energy, that are necessary for normal daily activities.

Chicken meat is also rich in Omega-6, which is good for a healthy coat, skin, and muscles.

furthermore, chicken contains minerals and vitamins that help to empower the cat’s immune system.
Chicken meat that is raw may contain a lot of nutrients that are important for cats, however, it is safer not to feed your cat raw chicken to prevent bacterial contamination due to salmonella or E. coli.

Try to cut up tiny pieces of cooked or boiled meat and top it up on the cat’s favorite dry food to make the meal more appealing.


Eggs are great food with good nutritional value. People rarely think about providing eggs as part of their cat’s diet even though cats are able to digest this food easily and efficiently.

It is so important for Persian cats to eat food that may lubricate their digestive system. An egg a week is a good choice but do not forget to contact the veterinarian for more advice.
Eggs can be served either raw or cooked depending on your cat’s preferences.

You can also mix eggs with ground meat.


When kittens drink their mother’s milk, they get high-quality food that will guarantee them good growth and development.

Milk should be supplemented with other food that is necessary for the cat’s health.

Is condensed milk advantageous for Persians?

Here is the answer:

Some breeders prefer to provide it diluted with spring water while others are reluctant to provide it to kittens since they have fragile intestines.

If milk is sweetened, it is then preferable to be avoided, because all food that contains added sugar may be harmful to your Persian’s health.

On the other hand, butter derivatives are safe for cats. You may give them buttermilk, yogurt, and butter in small quantities. These elements are also good for your cat’s coat.


Cats like cheese and you may even figure out that some prefer it to milk. But, there are some cats that may turn away from cheese. However, it is rare when you find that cats are so fond of cheese.

Therefore, don’t be astonished if your Persian ignore camembert and favor goat cheese or blue cheese.

But don’t be influenced by the cat’s desires and only provide him/her cheese as a supplement and as a treat (in reasonable quantity).

Although your Persians are domesticated cats, don’t forget that they are carnivore animals.