Persian cats are known for their luxurious coats and distinctive facial features.

These beautiful felines come in various types, each with her own unique facial structure.

In this article, we will explore the different types of Persian cat faces and discuss their characteristics.

Whether you are a cat enthusiast or considering adopting a Persian cat, understanding her face types will help you appreciate her beauty even more.

Types of Persian Cat Faces


Persian cats are an ancient breed originating from Persia (modern-day Iran).

They have captivated people around the world with their stunning appearance and calm demeanor.

One of the most defining features of Persian cats is their facial structure.

Over the years, selective breeding has led to the development of various face types in this breed.

Let’s explore these different Persian cat faces in detail.

Doll Face Persians

Doll Face Persians are the closest in appearance to the original Persian cats.

They have a more traditional and natural face structure compared to other types.

Their faces are characterized by a normal-length nose, large round eyes, and a sweet expression.

Doll Face Persians have a gentle and friendly personalities, making them popular pets for families.

Peke-Faced Persians

Peke-Faced Persians, also known as Extreme Persians, have distinctive flat face with a short muzzle.

Their noses are very short, giving them a pushed-in appearance.

This face type became popular in the mid-20th century and is often associated with show cats.

Peke-Faced Persians require special care due to their shortened nasal passages, which can lead to respiratory issues.

Ultra-Faced Persians

Ultra-Faced Persians are similar to Peke-Faced Persians in terms of their flat face, but their noses are even shorter.

This face type is a result of selective breeding aimed at achieving an extremely flat facial profile.

While Ultra-Faced Persians have a unique and adorable appearance, it’s important to note that their shortened noses can cause breathing difficulties and other health problems.

Traditional Persians

Traditional Persians, also known as Classic Persians, have moderately flat face with a slightly longer muzzle compared to Peke-Faced and Ultra-Faced Persians.

Their face type represents a balance between the original Persian cats and the more extreme face types.

Traditional Persians have a regal and elegant appearance, combining the best features of both the doll face and the extreme face.

Exotic Persians

Exotic Persians, often referred to as Shorthaired Persians, have a unique face type that sets them apart from other Persian cats.

They have a more moderate face structure compared to the traditional Persians.

Exotics have a round faces, full cheeks, and large round eyes.

What makes them distinct is their short, plush coat, which requires less grooming compared to the long-haired Persians.

Chinchilla Persians

Chinchilla Persians are known for their sparkling silver or golden coats.

They have a similar facial structure to the doll face Persians, with a normal-length nose and large round eyes.

Chinchillas have a luxurious and eye-catching appearance, often described as ethereal and delicate.

Their coats are tipped with silver or gold, giving them a shimmering effect.

Silver and Golden Persians

Silver and Golden Persians are a variation of the Chinchilla Persians.

They have the same face structure but with a fully shaded coat instead of the tipped coat.

Their fur is dense and lustrous, with a solid silver or golden color.

Silver and Golden Persians are stunning to look at and are highly prized for their beauty.

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Himalayan Persians

Himalayan Persians, also known as Colorpoint Persians, have a unique color pattern combined with the Persian face structure.

They have the body and coat of a Persian cat but with color points on their ears, paws, and tail.

Himalayans often have doll faces or traditional face types, showcasing the contrast between their colored points and their lighter body.


Persian cats are a breed that showcases a wide variety of facial structures, each with its own charm and appeal.

From the doll face Persians to the extreme face types, these felines have captured the hearts of many cat lovers worldwide.

Understanding the different types of Persian cat faces allows us to appreciate the diversity within this elegant breed and choose the one that resonates with us the most.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What are the different types of Persian cat faces?

The different types of Persian cat faces include Doll Face Persians, Peke-Faced Persians, Ultra-Faced Persians, Traditional Persians, Exotic Persians, Chinchilla Persians, Silver and Golden Persians, and Himalayan Persians.

2. What is the difference between Doll Face Persians and Peke-Faced Persians?

Doll Face Persians have a more natural and traditional face structure with a normal-length nose, while Peke-Faced Persians have a flat face with a short muzzle and extremely short nose.

3. Do all Persian cats have flat faces?

No, not all Persian cats have flat faces. Persian cats come in various face types, and some have a more moderate or traditional face structure, such as the Doll Face and Traditional Persians.

4. Are Ultra-Faced Persians Healthy?

Ultra-Faced Persians, with their extremely flat faces and short noses, can be prone to respiratory and other health issues. It’s important to provide them with proper care and regular veterinary check-ups.

5. Are Exotic Persians considered a type of Persian cat face?

Exotic Persians have a unique face type that is different from extremely flat-faced Persians. They have a more moderate face structure but still possess the Persian breed’s distinctive features.

6. Are Chinchilla Persians and Silver/Golden Persians the same?

Chinchilla Persians and Silver/Golden Persians are related but differ in their coat patterns. Chinchilla Persians have a tipped coat, while Silver/Golden Persians have a fully shaded coat.

7. What is the difference between Traditional Persians and Himalayan Persians?

Traditional Persians have a moderately flat face and longer muzzle, while Himalayan Persians have a face structure similar to Doll Face or Traditional Persians but with color points on their ears, paws, and tail.

8. Are Persian cat face types purely based on appearance?

No, Persian cat face types are not just about appearance. Different face types can also be associated with certain health considerations and requirements for specific care.

9. Can I choose the face type of a Persian cat when adopting?

When adopting a Persian cat, you can discuss your preferences with the breeder or rescue organization, but it’s important to note that not all available cats will have specific face types. The face type may vary within a litter or among different cats.

10. Are all Persian cat face types equally suitable as pets?

Each Persian cat face type has its own unique characteristics and considerations. Some face types may require extra care due to potential health issues, while others may have a more moderate appearance. It’s essential to consider your lifestyle and preferences when choosing a Persian cat face type that suits you best.

Categories: Persian Cat