Persian cats have always loved fish and are willing to do anything to eat seafood.

There are many videos of Persian cats devouring their family’s goldfish while they swim in a bowl.

And we’ve been led to believe the tale that Persian cats eat fish and therefore must be fed fish food forever.

But what’s behind it? Is fish good for Persian cats? If so, is any fish good for them? Or are some types of fish better than others?

Let’s take a look at the answers to these questions in the following paragraphs.

Can Persian cats eat fish?

Persian cats can certainly eat fish. In most cases, an occasional fish snack will not harm your Persian cat, but it is not a complete food source for her.

In other words, fish provides Persian cats with the protein they need but lacks the various minerals and vitamins necessary for a healthy diet. Fish for Persian cats is always an occasional food.

So why do Persian cats like fish? Over time, modern domestic Persian cats have been exposed to fish and have developed a fascination with it.

Fish are attractive to Persian cats anyway, with their unique smell, the way they move, and the way their scales shine in the light.

Fish for Persian cats are attractive and glittering food, with certain interesting smells.

Can Persian cats eat raw fish?

Absolutely no. Raw fish is not suitable for cats because it contains the enzyme thiaminase, which destroys thiamine, an essential B vitamin for Persian cats.

If the amount of thiamine is too low, Persian cats can have serious health problems.

In addition, raw fish is a breeding ground for bacteria, which can cause food poisoning in both Persian cats and humans.

E. coli and Salmonella are examples of dangerous bacteria that can affect Persian cats and people.

Similarly, you may be wondering, “Can my Persian cat eat sushi?” In fact, the answer is no, because of its high raw fish content.

Can Persian cats eat fish bones?

Fishbones pose the same problem for Persian cats as they do for you. The only difference is that you can find and remove the bone before you swallow it; whereas a Persian cat probably won’t notice the thin little spines until they get stuck in her mouth or digestive tract.

Swallowing a fishbone is not only painful for the Persian cat, but can also cause internal organ damage.

In addition, fish bones should not be given to Persian cats as they are a choking hazard.

After all, there are no nutritional benefits compared to the delicious taste of unseasoned, cooked fish.

Fish in commercial cat foods

Fish as the main ingredient in commercial cat food does not necessarily mean that the food is made from high-quality fish.

Commercial cat foods are usually made from scraps and leftovers that are not suitable for human consumption.

This means that the nutritional benefits of good quality fish cannot be counted on.

Such poor quality fish are more likely to contain shredded bones and organs, as well as pieces of less tasty fish that are high in minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus.

If your Persian cat consumes too many of these minerals, it can lead to kidney disease and urinary tract problems.

If your Persian cat already has kidney problems, it’s best to avoid eating fish altogether.

Also, commercial cat foods often contain preservatives, which can cause side effects such as affecting liver function.

Notes on Microplastics and Heavy Metals

The topic of microplastics being detected in familiar foods is not a new one, with dozens of similar news stories being reported every day.

This is also true for fish. In particular, credible studies have proven that most fish contain microplastics, mainly as a result of ocean pollution.

Such fish also contain heavy metals such as mercury and other toxins that can have serious effects on Persian cats and humans.

Due to ocean pollution, most fish have accumulated large amounts of mercury and other toxins.

These toxins accumulate in a chain of events without being destroyed, so the higher up the marine food chain a fish is, the more toxins it contains.

Therefore, fish like tuna that eat other smaller fish need to be eaten less often because they accumulate more of these metals and toxins.

Common types of fish and seafood

If you’re wondering what fish your Persian cat is allowed to eat, what fish she can only eat occasionally, or what fish should be banned altogether, check out the list below.

Can Persian cats eat tuna?

Anyone who owns a Persian cat knows that the moment you open a can of tuna, the furry friend starts a desperate campaign to get the can of tuna at any cost. But is tuna good for Persian cats?

Persian cats love tuna, but unfortunately, tuna contains high levels of mercury, and a diet high in tuna can lead to mercury poisoning.

As a predatory species that eats other fish, tuna should not be eaten too often because it tends to accumulate heavy metals and toxins.

However, Persian cats can occasionally eat tuna as a snack, as long as it is cooked and not raw. It is also advisable not to make tuna a regular food. Persian cats love tuna and may not eat anything else.

However, be aware that canned tuna contains a lot of sodium and preservatives as well as heavy metals.

Tuna in brine is too salty and not good for your Persian cat’s health, and tuna in oil should be drained properly so that it does not become high in calories from the fat and excess oil.

Can Persian cats eat salmon?

Salmon is very nutritious for Persian cats and contains many vitamins that are good for them.

If you give your Persian cat salmon, make sure it is cooked. However, it should not be smoked or mixed with herbs or spices, which can upset your cat’s stomach.

Canned salmon should be avoided because it contains too much salt and preservatives, which often have a negative effect on Persian cats.

Avoid any commercial cat food containing salmon. Most salmon used in commercial cat food is farm-raised, which means the fish is often exposed to high levels of contaminants and toxins.

They are also raised in overcrowded conditions and treated with antibiotics to reduce the spread of diseases.

If you do want to feed your Persian cat salmon, make sure it is cooked by you. Grilled, poached, or baked salmon is best, with no salt or extra spices.

Can Persian cats eat sardines?

Sardines and pilchards are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, and protein.

However, it is important to note that they contain heavy metals and toxic substances, as well as a high-fat content, which makes them fattening foods.

If you want to feed sardines to your Persian cat, be sure to cook them. Avoid smoked sardines, and if you use canned, always check the label.

Sardines preserved in brine contain a lot of sodium and should be avoided, or at least washed before eating.

Canned sardines in oil should be carefully drained so as not to overfeed your Persian cat with the high-calorie oil. If possible, choose sardines that are free of garlic, onions, and tomatoes.

Can Persian cats eat line fish?

Yes, but what about line fish such as cod, halibut, flounder, hake, and tilapia? All of these types of fish are suitable for Persian cats, but make sure they are boneless and free of salt and other harmful ingredients.

As a general guide for Persian cats, white fish that has been baked, or boiled and does not contain excess salt or seasoning is appropriate.

This fish does not contain the healthy fish oils and omegas that Persian cats need in their diet, so it is not nutritious, but it is not harmful.

Can Persian cats eat anchovies?

Anchovies are an excellent source of healthy unsaturated fatty acids for your Persian cat. It is important to note that this fatty fish can cause weight gain, especially if it is canned in oil.

When buying canned fish in oil, drain the oil as much as possible. In the case of salted anchovies, wash off as much of the salt as possible.

Another advantage of anchovies is that they are somewhat lower on the food chain and contain less mercury and other heavy metals due to ocean pollution.

Can Persian cats eat shrimp?

Shrimp is safe for Persian cats. Shrimp are a great snack for Persian cats because they are low in calories and high in protein.

They are also a good source of zinc, copper, omega-3, and vitamin B12. Shrimp are high in sodium and cholesterol, so don’t make it part of your Persian cat’s regular diet.

The best way to feed shrimp to Persian cats is to cook it without oil, salt, or seasonings.

Processed, packaged shrimp are more likely to contain salt and other ingredients, so they should generally be avoided.

If you are feeding your cat fresh shrimp, it is advisable to remove its digestive tract.

The digestive tract contains everything the shrimp has eaten before, so it is advisable to cut it out completely.

Can Persian cats eat shellfish?

People all over the world love shellfish, scallops, mussels, crabs, oysters, and lobsters. But can they share this meal with Persian cats?

Shellfish are rich in essential minerals such as calcium, iron, copper, and zinc.

They are high in protein and low in fat, making them a valuable treat for Persian cats and sometimes appearing in their pet’s bowl.

Just like shrimp and fish, shellfish should be clean, fresh, and cooked without salt or seasoning.

Can Persian cats eat squid and octopus?

Octopus and squid are great treats for your Persian cat because they contain high levels of iron, copper, and zinc.

As long as these foods are fresh, clean, and cooked, they can be given to your Persian cat as an occasional treat. However, be aware that both squid and octopuses contain high levels of cholesterol.

Can Persian cats eat seaweed?

Seaweed is a perfectly healthy treat for Persian cats if given in moderation.

For some cats, small pieces of seaweed may help with minor digestive problems. Seaweed is also thought to have a positive effect on Persian cats’ coats and skin.

If the food is of high quality and contains no other ingredients (salt, garlic, spices, preservatives, etc.), your Persian cat can eat it safely.

Can Persian cats eat a goldfish?

That’s a slightly different question. You wouldn’t want your Persian cat to eat a goldfish (we hope!), but would it be okay with your Persian cat getting one and eating it?

Technically, your Persian cat should be fine, but we recommend keeping cats out of aquariums and ponds, as the small, burbling fish can be a choking hazard for them.

If your Persian cat eats a goldfish, it is a good idea to take it to the vet.

Fish are often carriers of bacteria and parasites such as tapeworms, which can be transmitted to Persian cats. Also, goldfish are considered raw fish and usually contain thiaminase, an enzyme that is harmful to Persian cats.

Gold fish

The benefits of fish oil

Fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, and sardines are great nutritional supplements to your Persian cat’s diet.

Fish oil is rich in healthy fats like Omega-3 and Omega-6, which have a positive effect on your PERSIAN cat’s vision and heart health.

Fish oil is also ideal for older Persian cats with stiff or painful joints, as well as Persian cats with arthritis or other inflammatory conditions.

Thanks to advances in modern science, you don’t have to eat fish to get the benefits of fish oil.

Fish oil supplements are a convenient way to introduce healthy fats into your Persian cat’s diet.

You may be tempted to buy one of the many cat supplements right away, but it’s best to consult your veterinarian first.

Allergy to fish in Persian cats

Yes, that’s right. Your Persian cat may be allergic to fish. Fish allergies in Persian cats are not common, but they are on the rise.

A distinction has to be made between allergies and intolerances. The former relates to the immune system, while the latter is a reaction to the digestive system.

Unlike human food allergies, Persian feline allergies are difficult to diagnose because there is no reliable allergy-specific testing method.

Food allergies are usually detected through a long process of trial and error, followed by an elimination diet. It is possible to be allergic not only to seafood, but also to beef, dairy products, and eggs.

Signs of fish allergies in Persian cats

Food allergies usually manifest as skin symptoms such as redness and itching, or hair loss due to scratching.

Excessive shedding, frequent hairballs, and persistent external otitis media are also signs of food allergies. Acute wet dermatitis and papules with crusts are also possible.

In some Persian cats, food allergies can lead to digestive problems such as vomiting and diarrhea, in addition to the above-mentioned skin problems.

In very rare cases, Persian cats may also develop breathing problems. Whenever you notice any of these signs, visit your veterinarian as soon as possible.

What to do if you suspect your Persian cat has a food allergy

Always visit your veterinarian first. He will be able to rule out other diseases. If you suspect an allergy, do not try to treat it yourself.

Closely monitor your Persian kitten’s diet for changes to make sure she is getting all the nutrients she needs.

In the absence of other illnesses that could explain the symptoms, your veterinarian will probably need to start an elimination diet and closely monitor your Persian cat’s symptoms.

Then, he will identify the specific allergens that are causing the problem.

The bottom line

Persian cats are not naturally fish-loving animals, but adding fish to an already balanced diet can make it healthier and more nutritious.

Unless your cat is allergic to a certain type of fish or seafood, feeding fish should be safe.

However, make sure that the fish you are feeding is of the highest quality. Choose fresh fish, not pre-packaged or canned fish that contain salt, preservatives, and other harmful ingredients. Fish without bones is best.

Never feed raw fish. Essential vitamins will be lost.

Fish should not be cooked with garlic, spices, or in lots of oil. Boiled, fried, or baked fish is best.

Fatty fish such as tuna and sardines give Persian cats more nutrients in the form of healthy fats than white fish such as flounder and hake.

As always, if you have any concerns about your cat’s diet, consult your veterinarian.

If you suspect allergies, don’t try to treat them yourself. Also, if you want to supplement your Persian cat’s diet, always consult your veterinarian first, who will advise you on the correct dosage and the best brand of supplement.

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Categories: Nutrition