Do you know the foods that your Persian cat should not eat? If not, you must stop feeding your Persian felines without knowing how some foods can harm them.

There are certain familiar foods and ingredients that you need to watch out for so that your kitty doesn’t get his paws on them.

Foods such as onions, garlic, dairy, raw meat, eggs, chocolate, and alcohol can be awfully poisonous to your Persian cat.

You may be willing to give your Persian cat table scraps in addition to special treats. But some rewards from the table can be very harmful to your feline.

Therefore, before you give your cat anything other than cat food, you should check this list once to ensure it’s not dangerous for your Persian cat.

Foods you shouldn’t feed your Persian cat

Many human foods can be harmful to your Persian cats’ health, while also depriving them of the important nutrients they can get from healthy cat food.

These additional foods and treats may also ruin their appetite for their regular meals. A piece of chicken or turkey won’t kill your felines, but it will help them develop bad habits.

Many foods are safe in small amounts, but larger quantities will require consulting a veterinarian.

Here we’ve compiled a list of 20 foods that your Persian cat should never eat since they are unsafe and even potentially deadly for your feline.

Most cats are considered to be fussy eaters, which makes us think that they know what’s good for them. But this is wrong.

In fact, while your Persian cat won’t eat people’s food as voraciously as a dog, however, that doesn’t mean your cat will never take part in some human food.

There are some known foods that your Persian felines must never eat that can hurt their stomach. Here is a list of 20 foods your Persian cat shouldn’t eat :


All alcoholic beverages can be so critical for your cat’s health.

Ingesting these drinks can cause vomiting, tremors, diarrhea, breathing problems, and even death.

Every alcoholic beverage such as beer, wine, or even foods incorporating alcohol is bad for your Persian cat. Even a few sips of alcohol can cause major problems for your feline.


Chocolate can be toxic to your Persian cat.

It is composed of substances called methylxanthines that can cause symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, increased body temperature, increased thirst, abdominal discomfort, and seizures.

Darker chocolate can be more deadly than white or milk chocolate.

3.Raw Meat

Although cats in the wild eat raw meat, your domesticated Persian cat can’t have raw meat.

Raw meat is dangerous for your cats and can make them sick.

It may contain harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli, and even tapeworms, which can lead to many deadly diseases in your Persian cat.

4.Milk and dairy products

Cats may enjoy milk and other dairy products like cheese, but it’s unsafe for them.

The majority of cats are lactose intolerant, and THE PERSIAN cat is one of them.

Cats find difficulty digesting the lactose found in milk, which can cause stomach upset and other digestive problems.

However, kittens have ingested lactose from their mother’s milk a few weeks after birth, and their digestive systems are often unable to reprocess the lactose, making it difficult for them to process dairy products.


Persian cats can become addicted to fish, specifically tuna.

A little tuna can’t make any harm, but too much tuna cooked for humans can lead to malnutrition in your feline. In addition, a lot of tuna can also cause mercury poisoning.

6.Sugary products

Sugary products are not nutritionally beneficial for your Persian cat.

Some sweeteners, such as xylitol, are found in candy and other sugary foods and can lower your cat’s blood sugar levels and cause liver failure.


Persian cats can develop intolerances and allergies to gluten, which is found in many cat foods. Gluten intolerance can lead to vomiting and diarrhea.

8.Grapes And Raisins

A little of grapes and raisins is enough to cause your Persian cat to develop kidney failure and lead your feline to sickness.

Some of the first symptoms are incessant vomiting and hyperactivity. Other symptoms may appear within 24 hours of ingestion, which are :

  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Decreased appetite
  • Decreased urination

9.Onions and garlic

Onions and garlic can lead to anemia in your Persian cat by destroying their red blood cells.

Such foods, whether eaten in large quantities or in concentrated form such as garlic powder or onion soup mix, are poisonous.

10.Coffee or tea

Caffeinated beverages such as tea and coffee may cause difficulty breathing, tremors, increased heart rate, hyperactivity, and seizures in cats.


Mushrooms are full of a number of toxins and can cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea drooling, and liver damage in your Persian cat.

A little number of mushrooms are not dangerous to your cat, but some types of mushrooms are awfully toxic. So, prevention is better than cure.

12.Raw eggs

Raw eggs can lead to food poisoning in felines since they are composed of hurtful bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli.

Another reason is that the whites of raw eggs contain a protein called avidin, which could hinder the absorption of vitamin B.

Thereby, this may cause skin problems in your Persian cat.


Avocados are very high in monosaturated fats, fiber, minerals, and vitamins. but, because of their high-fat content, you must be cautious about the exact amount to feed them to your Persian cat.
It’s also advisable not to feed the shells because they may contain toxins.

14.Human Medicines

Consuming human medications is the most known cause of poisoning in cats.

Over-the-counter medications should only be given to your Persian cat on the recommendation of your veterinarian.

Some common pain relievers and cold medications may be deadly to your feline.

15.Dog food

Dog food is not harmful to your cat. But the nutritional needs of your cat are different from those of a dog.

Cats require higher levels of vitamin A and protein. Dogs, on the other hand, can survive without them.

Cat food should contain taurine, arachidonic acid, vitamin A and plenty of protein. Without sufficient quantities of taurine in the body, cats can get vision and dental problems and may also develop heart disease.


Nuts are an amazing source of healthy fats, fiber, and protein, but care should be taken when feeding them to your Persian cat.

Macadamia nuts are harmful to cats, but other nuts like almonds and walnuts are not toxic per see.

17.Bones And Fat Trimmings

Fat trimmings and bones can be unsafe for your Persian cat.

Bites of food, whether cooked or raw, contain fat trimmed from bones and meat, can lead to vomiting as well as an upset stomach.

Your Persian cat may potentially choke on a bone, and the chips can injure your cat’s digestive system.

18.Baby food

Baby food may contain meat flavored with onions and garlic. Thus, it should not be given to your feline.

19.Yeast dough

The yeast in bread and pizza dough can produce so much alcohol and carbon dioxide very quickly that it becomes problematic for your cat.

In addition, the dough in your cat’s stomach can become so large that surgery is required to remove the digestive blockage.


The liver is an excellent source of iron, protein, and other nutrients your cat needs for getting well and healthy.

Feeding too much liver over a long period of time can lead to a condition called hypervitaminosis A, in which there is an excessive accumulation of vitamin A that causes toxicity.

The Best Diet for Persian Cats

The Persian cat is a large feline and therefore requires enough energy to fuel her body. Above all, they need a diet rich in meat.

The best diet for Persian cats consists of high-quality dry food and a mix of wet and dry food once in a while, perhaps 2 or 3 times a week. Dry food should not contain grains, as these can lead to obesity in your cat.

It’s up to you to feed your cat whether dry or wet food. Dry food is helpful for your cat to use her teeth. Wet food has a high moisture content, so it keeps your cat hydrated.

A mixture of wet and dry food can provide the right balanced diet for your feline.

Don’t forget to feed your Persian cat in a way that meets her nutritional needs according to age.

Food with high moisture content, containing animal protein, and low in carbohydrates can be very good for your cat.

Don’t feed by-products but try to use real meat.

Cats naturally drink a lot of water, so they should have constant access to freshwater.

Your Persian cat’s diet should be balanced and contain the following items:


Carbohydrates give your cat energy, but your cat’s body is designed for a low-carbohydrate diet. Your cat’s body cannot produce the enzymes needed to process many carbohydrates.


Protein provides your cat with the amino acids it needs to build tissue. Animal protein provides many essential amino acids for your cat.


Fats also provide your Persian cats with necessary fatty acids that help keep their coat and skin shiny and healthy.

4.Vitamins and Minerals

Your cat needs vitamin A and vitamin B, as her body cannot make these vitamins on its own. Both vitamins and minerals are needed to support many of the body’s normal chemical reactions.


Water is important for your Persian cat’s normal bodily functions and helps her body absorb essential nutrients.

Why Is My Persian Cat Always Hungry?

Overeating is never a good sign, even in young, healthy-looking cats. Some cats seem to eat and eat, but never get full and never gain weight.

When this happens, you need to ask yourself, “Why does she continue to act this way? If your Persian cat is overeating, there are many possible causes, even if she is not gaining weight.


When a Persian cat is pregnant, food requirements increase rapidly to feed the kittens in the womb.


After eating, cats may vomit all their food without chewing it well. This is called Regurgitation.

Various health issues, including diseases of the esophageal tract and throat, can cause regurgitation in Persian cats. A thorough diagnosis can help identify the problem.


The cat may be infected with worms. Worms get all the nutrients from food, so the Persian feline is always hungry.

If you suspect your cat is infected with parasites, collect a fecal sample and have it tested by your veterinarian.

4.Old Age

With aging comes more unfamiliar behavior. As Persian cats age, they are not able to digest fats and proteins as efficiently as when they were younger.

5.Foods that do not meet nutritional requirements

Poor quality cat food will not satisfy the hunger of a Persian cat.

The cat’s body is primarily made of meat, not grain. Therefore, be sure to provide adequate meat in the diet.

6.Diabetes or Hyperthyroidism

Both diseases dramatically increase a cat’s appetite.

Hyperthyroidism increases appetite because the cat’s metabolism burns too many calories.

When a cat has diabetes, the body is unable to convert sugar into energy, and nutrients in food do not reach the body.

Other symptoms associated with these conditions may include excessive thirst and weight loss.

If you notice these symptoms in your Persian cat, You should consult your veterinarian as soon as possible.

The Bottom line

While some human foods are good for your Persian cat, There are many others that they should definitely not eat. Even a single bite can be detrimental to their health.

Occasionally, you can share with your feline a treat from your plate.

But to protect the health of your furry friend, you should feed only high-quality cat food and nothing else.

Categories: Nutrition