If you’re wondering, “Why does my Persian cat sleep on my chest?” then your cat has probably given you a literal dose of affection at some point.

We all love to sleep with our feline friends, but when your Persian cat tries to sleep on your head or chest, you can find difficulty breathing naturally.

How do you get your Persian cat to stop sleeping on you? I will answer this query a little later…

Before that, let’s focus on why Persian cats sleep on your chest.

1. Maybe you’re warm

Just as we snuggle up to people on a cold night to keep warm, Persian cats do the same.

A Persian cat’s normal body temperature is about 100.4º to 102.5º Fahrenheit, which is slightly higher than the average human body temperature of 98.6°F.

Persian cats have to work a little harder to maintain their body temperature, so ideally they should sleep next to an additional source of heat.

Some Persian cats may enjoy sleeping on a sunny window, whereas others may find that your body temperature makes the chest the best place for them.

2. Your cat owns you

It’s well-known that Persian cats are territorial by nature.

Therefore, your Persian kitty shows ownership of her territory by marking it with her scent. One of the ways she may do this is by rubbing her muzzle against an object.

By lying on top of you, your cat will cover you with her scent, letting other animals know that you are hers.

Don’t forget that she will also assert her physical rights over you by sleeping on your chest.

3. Your Persian cat will be safe by your side

Sleep is a vulnerable time for all creatures. We think it’s relatively safe to sleep in the house, but cats don’t think so.

If your Persian feline trusts you, she will feel safe in your presence. Thus, you may become her favorite place to sleep.

After all, it’s easier to fall asleep when you’re relaxed.

We’ll talk about that later…

4. It’s a matter of bonding

According to cat behavior consultant Dr.Mikel Delgado, cats sleep together as a sign they are seeking warmth/comfort since it’s a social behavior.

The doctor further explained that a cat sleeping over another is referred to as “pillowing”. It’s quite the same thing that Persian felines do to you.

Your furry friend may use your pillow to sleep, however, using you as her pillow means your relationship is getting to an exceptional level.

5. Your heart comforts her

With their sensitive hearing, Persian cats can hear sounds that humans cannot.

However, even without a cat’s sense of smell and sound, you can hear another person’s heartbeat by placing your ear close to his/her chest.

The beating of a cat’s heart is believed to be soothing to kittens, and there are toys available to help soothe kittens in their new homes.

As the cat’s parent, your heartbeat and breathing have a relaxing and calming effect on your Persian cat.

6. Your chest is a comfortable spot

Persian cats sleep an average of 15 hours a night, and some sleep up to 20 hours.

Because they spend so much time sleeping, your Persian cat may need to find a comfortable sleeping position.

This can range from lying on their side in a box to curling up on your chest every night.

For all of the above reasons, your Persian cat will sleep on you because you are the most comfortable creature in her world.

What Happens When Your Persian Cat Sleeps Too Long on Your Chest?

1. Allergies

About 10% of people are allergic to their pets, and allergies to cats are twice as common as allergies to dogs.

The severity of the reaction varies widely and symptoms can last from a few minutes to several hours.

When your Persian cat sleeps on your chest, it is in the perfect place to trigger a reaction.

Allergens are not the only things that can be inhaled.

2. Fur breathing

Persian cats are famous for their thick hair, so your feline friend and his fur are only inches away from your face.

I don’t know about you, but putting hair in my mouth is on my list of most disgusting things to do.

It is even less pleasant to inhale it. The longer the cat is on your chest, the more likely it is that you will inhale some hair.

Coughing up hairballs is the last thing you want to do.

3. Persian cats have claws

Surprisingly, your Persian cat has aggressive claws and is not afraid to use them. However, she is often not going to hurt you with them.

If you answer the question, “Why does my cat sleep on my chest?” you will find that your Persian cat is happy on your chest.

In this state, she may knead your chest as an instinctive expression of affection.

The problem is that when the cat kneads your chest with its claws upward, you may get scratched.

4. Lack of sleep

Now you know that your Persian cat can be very comfortable sleeping on your chest. But do you feel the same thing?

If you’re trying to sleep, a fluffy Persian cat pressed against your chest won’t feel comfortable for long.

It will cause you to lose sleep. Every time you move or roll over during the night, the cat will claw at you and cling to you.

5. You will not be able to breathe the right way

In order to breathe properly, the chest must not be restricted by anything. Tight clothing or anything that puts pressure on the chest can cause problems.

If an adult Persian cat sleeps on your chest, she will definitely restrict your breathing.

This can intensify existing conditions such as asthma.

6. You can crush your Persian cat

If you are an active sleeper and toss and turn frequently, you may crush your Persian cat.

Since she is not standing next to you, she is unlikely that she will be smashed by you, but it is still possible to hurt her.

Young Persian kittens may be especially susceptible to this.

A cute Persian cat laying on bed

How to change your Persian cat’s behavior

1. Compromise

Have you ever wondered, Why does your Persian cat sleep on your chest every night?

To change your cat’s behavior, it is important to make a “compromise.” Of course, one way is to lock the cat in a room.

However, if your Persian cat is used to sleeping with you, this may not be satisfactory.

Here are some ideas on how to change this feline behavior.

2. Encourage your Persian cat to sleep on your bed

Sleeping next to you in bed, rather than on top of you, will bring you closer together and strengthen your bond.

However, you will be more comfortable and more likely to get a good night’s sleep.

How can you achieve this?

Make a place on your bed for your Persian cat. Put a warm blanket or an old sweater that smells like you to make the space more appealing.

3. Give your Persian cat her own bed

The next strategy of separation is to provide your Persian cat with a special bed for her in the room.

With a cozy cat bed, your Persian will feel comfortable rather than a million miles away from you. Also, placing something familiar smelling in the bed will help calm her down.

If your room gets cold at night, you can buy her a bed with a heating function so she can sleep in a warm place.

You can get your bed back and reduce the chances of being woken up in the middle of the night by your Persian cat’s movements.

4. Create a safe spot outside your room

If none of these methods work for you, you may want to prepare another room for your Persian cat.

In order for her to feel safe, several conditions need to be met. A warm room and a cozy place to curl up and hide, such as a bed, is an ideal thing.

Spending time with your Persian cat there will help you build a good relationship with the room.

What if all that we have mentioned above doesn’t work?

5. Lock the door to the room

When you’ve reached your limit and need a good night’s sleep to come to your senses, you may have to lock the pet in the room.

When your Persian cat purrs and scratches on the other side of the door, she can be heartbreaking, but changing the situation is not always easy.

It will take time to change your Persian cat’s behavior. But by changing your Persian cat’s environment and changing your behavior, you can eventually get the results you want.

Why Does Your Cat Sleep On Your Chest Q & A

1. Why does my Persian cat sleep on my chest?

As a summary of this article, you need to know that Persian cats sleep on you because they think you are warm, safe, and comfortable. They want to bond with you, show you where you belong and show you their love.

2. Should you let your Persian cat sleep with you?

It really depends on you. When your Persian cat sleeps with you, it helps both parties to heal and build a good relationship. On the other hand, you may not be able to sleep well or may develop allergies.

3. Why does my Persian cat sleep curled up on my neck?

Just like sleeping on your chest, Persian cats curl up on your neck because they consider it a warm place where they feel safe. They like to be near you, to bond with you, and to think of you as their own person.

4. Why does my Persian cat sleep on my chest at night and run away from me during the day?

Sleeping on your chest means that your Persian cat feels connected to you. There are many reasons why Persian cats run away from people. During the day, your cat may be frightened if you make loud noises or move erratically.


You’ve come here to understand why your Persian cats sleep on your chest.

We have considered a number of factors that indicate, the chest is the most comfortable place for your Persian cat to sleep.

We also found that Persian cats sleeping on the chest for long periods of time may affect you negatively.

Finally, we presented some ideas on how to encourage your Persian cat to sleep somewhere else and still be with you.

However, whether you sleep with your Persian cat or far from her, she will still love you as you love her.

Categories: Behavior