Although your Persian cat may be in good health, she may be liable to many genetic diseases. This may raise the question of Persian cat life expectancy.

Thus, despite being one of the most beloved domestic cat breeds, the bad fact is that Persian cats can’t live as long as human beings.

On average, Persian cat live between 12 and 17 years, although some Persians have been known to live longer than 17 years.

A Persian cat’s lifespan depends on genetics, diet, lifestyle, general health, and exercise. Therefore, with proper care and regular health checks, your Persian cat can live longer.

This article will explain everything you need to know about the lifespan of Persian cats.

Persian Cat Life Expectancy

Persian cats remain among the most popular domestic cats in the continental United States and in many other parts of the world.

These cute cats are nicknamed “The Majestic pets,” mainly because of their extreme beauty and gentle nature.

In case you already have one: Persian cats are fluffy, long-haired cats known for having these qualities:

A lot of people love these big cats for their affectionate nature and thick, silky coat. It’s no surprise, then, that they enjoy great popularity among cats.

As one of the biggest domesticated cat breeds, Persian cats have very distinctive physical features that make them easy to identify.

When you look at a Persian cat you will notice:

  • Short, compact, and stocky bodies
  • Medium length, thick and solid legs
  • Ears set far apart
  • Round heads
  • Extremely shortened muzzles
  • Big eyes
  • Short, fluffy tails

Although Persian cats are loved and kept by many cat lovers, to the surprise of many, their origins remain a mystery.

However, it is generally believed that they arrived in the Western world from Persia known nowadays as Iran.

Persian cats are the most commonly registered cat breed by the Cat Fanciers Association and are often awarded Best in Shows.

Their famous flattened noses and chubby cheeks have been selectively bred and exaggerated over the years since the breed has been appreciated by people.

But, the old characteristics of the Persian cat can still be found in the traditional, non-show representatives of the breed.

As for the life expectancy of this breed, there are a few genetic diseases that Persian cats are prone to.

Along with the fact that their origin is shrouded in mystery, it is quite normal for owners and researchers to wonder what the average life expectancy of this cat is and whether she can live longer or not.

In general, the average lifespan of Persian cats is 12-17 years. But, they can even live longer, if you take good care of them.

The life expectancy of a Persian cat depends a lot on the following factors:

  • Nutrition
  • Genetics
  • Veterinary care
  • Lifestyle
  • Exercise level

If your cat has a quality diet, regular exercise, and consistent veterinary care, you can expect her to have a longer-than-average life expectancy.

Although the life expectancy of the Persian cat technically ends at 17 years, some owners have had their Persian cats live till they are 20 years old, which is quite exciting.

Do Persian Cats Live Longer Than Other Cats?

Like many other felines, Persian cat can live up to 17 years. However, this breed is liable to many hereditary issues which can shorten her life span a little bit.

To compare the lifespan of Persians and other cats, we have gathered all the information in the following chart.

Cat BreedLife Expectancy
Persian cat12-17
British Shorthair14-20
Siberian Cat10-18
Turkish Van10-17
Selkirk Rex10-15
American Bobtail10-15
Bengal Cat14-16
Norwegian Forest cat14-16
Maine Coons12-15
Siamese cat12-15
Sphynx 8-14

As you notice in the chart, the lifespan of all cats is a little bit similar.

Thus, the most important thing is the way you handle your beloved cats and how much you care about them.

How to Extend Your Persian Cat Life?

So, are you looking for tips to increase your cat’s life expectancy?

You may consider the following things:

1. Improving your Persian cat’s diet

The most important thing you can do to help your cat live longer is to feed her high-quality food.

The best food for your Persian cat should meet the cat’s specific nutritional needs without leading to obesity.

More specifically, a Persian cat diet should contain the following :

  • low amounts of carbohydrates
  • A high concentration of protein
  • moderate amounts of fat

Essentially, Persian cats tend to be obese, so be careful not to overfeed your pet.

2. Play and exercise

Persian cats tend to be lazy. Owners should therefore encourage their cats to play and get plenty of exercise.

In general, Persian cats need about 30 minutes of exercise per day to keep their weight under control.

It is crucial that these cats get regular exercise and mental stimulation so that they can enjoy healthier and happier lives. Did you know that this breed of cat needs to be walked on a leash?

An easy way to exercise your cat is to purchase toys that naturally stimulate their curiosity and hunting instincts.

Persian cats are not excellent climbers, but be sure to give them the best extra-large scratching posts to encourage them to jump and climb safely in your home whenever they want to.

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3. Grooming

If a Persian cat is not groomed regularly, i.e. at least 2-3 times a week, this can lead to serious health problems and stress in your cat.

This will result in a cat’s life expectancy being on the lower end of the scale.

Persian felines will benefit from good grooming practices.

The most important grooming requirements for a Persian cat are.

  • Bathing the cat
  • Brushing the cat’s teeth
  • Regular brushing
  • De-Shedding Cat’s Fur

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4. Regular veterinary checkups

Another way to improve your cat’s health, and possibly her lifespan, is to make sure she receives all necessary vaccinations and is examined regularly by a qualified veterinarian.

As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to have your cat examined by a veterinarian on a regular basis. This will help your cat maintain optimal health.

5. Care and attention

Although cats are known to be independent, they appreciate the care and love they receive from their human companions.

The love and attention you give your cat play an indispensable role in ensuring a high quality of life, which can extend your cat’s life expectancy.

In short, giving your Persian cat quality care can prolong her life and provide you with a loyal companion for longer.

What is the Oldest Persian Cat?

In the real world, Persian cats can live a very long time, possibly longer than other cat breeds.

But, The oldest cat that ever existed was not a Persian cat. Still, there are many Persian felines that lived for a very long period of time.

The oldest Persian cat was named Minky, a fluffy feline who died at the age of 27!

It’s worth mentioning that the oldest cat in the world was named Creme Puff and died at the age of 38 years and three days. This famous cat was born on August 3, 1967.

Persian Cat Mix Life Expectancy

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced cat lover, you should know that Persian mix cats are not much different from purebred Persian felines.

In fact, many Persian cat mixes tend to take on many of the characteristics of purebred Persian cats, including physical traits and personality.

Therefore, it is safe to say and should come as no surprise that the life expectancy of half Persian cats are similar to that of pure Persian cats. For example, the average life expectancy of a half-breed Persian cat is between 10 and 15 years.

As with purebred Persian cats, good care can help extend the life of your Persian mix cat.

How Long Do Indoor Persian Cats Live?

Persian cats live an average of 12 to 17 years on average.

In this regard, the only two main factors known to improve the health of a Persian cat, and to extend the cat’s life expectancy, are as follows:

  • Better nutrition
  • Advances in medical care

Although indoor housing is one way to provide your kitty with a high quality of life, it does not have a significant impact on the cat’s life expectancy.

This is because staying indoors without the most necessary veterinary examinations and proper nutrition cannot increase life expectancy.

For this reason, it can be said that indoor Persian cats have a life expectancy of about 12-17 years.

Do Outdoor Cats Live Longer?

Outdoor cats usually have a shorter life expectancy than their indoor counterparts. According to one veterinarian, cats that live exclusively outdoors have an average life expectancy of only 2-5 years! Note, however, that this is a very controversial ISSUE.

The theory behind this veterinary prediction is that outdoor cats are more vulnerable to DANGERs, such as :

  • Predators
  • Cars
  • Poisonings
  • Parasites
  • Environmental Hazards
  • Infectious diseases

Although cats naturally love being outside, they love fresh air and sunshine, as concerned pet owners you should carefully consider whether or not to allow your Persian cat to spend long periods of time outdoors.

Persian Cat Health Problems

Persian cats are prone to a number of health problems that every owner should be aware of.

Here are the most common health problems you should know :

1. Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is an inherited health complication that occurs when a Persian’s hip joints do not develop normally, resulting in dislocation of the hip ball and socket.

It leads to loss of the hip joints and eventually leaves your cat severely lame.

2. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM).

It is a common heart condition that occurs when the muscle walls surrounding the cat’s heart begin to thicken.

This is a serious problem that can negatively affect the performance of the heart and lead to an early death of your Persian cat.

3. Periodontal diseases

Persian cats are also susceptible to periodontal diseases, a gum disease characterized by tartar and buildup on the cat’s teeth.

If left untreated, it can develop into a more serious and potentially fatal problem.

4. Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)

This is an inherited disease characterized by progressive instability with unsteady gait and postural abnormalities.

Although not considered painful, it can shorten the lifespan of your Persian cat.

5. Polycystic kidney disease (PKD)

This is another inherited disease that can shorten the life expectancy of Persian cats.

Polycystic kidney disease is caused by an autosomal dominant genetic abnormality.

6. Obesity

As the most lazy domesticated cat breed, Persian cats are prone to obesity, which in turn can promote other health problems.

For this reason, owners should not overfeed their PERSIAN cats.

7. Stomatitis

This is another common Persian cat health problem that your sweet feline is prone to.

Stomatitis causes inflammation of the cat’s gums and mouth, as well as painful mouth ulcers that can sincerely affect your cats’s health and prevent them from eating.

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Does Neutering or Spraying Make Persian Cats Live Longer?

There is evidence that neutering a cat helps her live longer. However, this does not seem to be the case with Persian cats.

A study involved 3,235 Persians found out that there is no relationship between spraying and the extended life expectancy of Persian cats.

Thus, intact Persians lived an average of 13.9 years, whereas neutered Persians lived an average of 13.4 years.

This difference is not significant enough to show a distinction in life expectancy between intact and spayed or neutered Persian cats.

Signs That Your Persian Cat Will Live Longer

While we would like all cats to live as long as Cream Puff, it is well known that this is not possible. Persian cats can live between 12 and 17 years.

Again, no one has a crystal ball to tell you when your cat will pass away. Therefore, we rely on physical signs to inform us if our cat is likely to live longer, especially if she is approaching the geriatric stage of her life.

While there is no sure way to determine if a cat will live longer, keeping an eye on a cat’s activity and behavior can help determine the likelihood of a long life.

Here are some substantial signs that may indicate your cat may live a longer life:

1. Adequate sleep and Nap

Although old Persian cats have an altered sleep cycle, they can live longer as long as they still have adequate time for sleep and naps.

2.Plenty of playtime

Although your older Persian cat may tend less to play, cats that live longer continue to play and jump even when they age.

Owners can also encourage the cat to play more to keep it strong and physically fit.

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3.A lean physique

When Persian cats receive a high-quality, balanced diet and exercises,they can maintain ideal weight and good body size, which further increases their life expectancy.

4.High sensitivity

In general, Persian cats are skilled hunters with strong hunting instincts.

Watch your cat and see if she accurately senses when something approaches her, even if she is old.


Cats that exceed their average life expectancy tend to bond well with their owners, even in old age.

6.How the cat jumps

Although Persian cats are not so energetic breed of cat,yet they may have an impressive jumping ability.

If your cats can still jump great distances and heights as they age, it may be a sign that your cats will live longer.

10 Longest Living Cat Breeds

If you’ve ever wondered which cat breeds live the longest, take a look at the following list.

These cat breeds are known to have a long life expectancy:

  • Burmese
  • Ragdoll
  • Balinese
  • Persian Cat
  • Sphynx
  • Bombay
  • Russian Blue
  • Oriental Shorthair
  • Siamese
  • Savannah Cat

When it comes to the life expectancy of a Persian cat, frequent exercise, high-quality nutrition, and regular wellness checks are the best ways to maximize the life expectancy of your furry friend.

Final Thoughts

The average age of a Persian cat is approximately 14.5 years. The most important factor in your cat’s life expectancy seems to be the state of health she develops.

Fortunately, many diseases can be prevented. Even if your Persian cat does become ill, proper care and treatment can hugely increase her chances of well-being.

Ultimately, Persian cats are less healthy than other cats, so they generally don’t live as long as other cats.

However, a life expectancy of 12 to 18 years is still considerable. Make sure you can take care of your cat for up to 17 years before you decide to adopt one.

We hope that after reading this article, you will have a better understanding of how long your Persian cat can live.